About Us

The ColourSpun Team
The ColourSpun Team

About Us

Hi, Hello, Dumela, Sawubona from us all,

Together, we’re the ColourSpun team we and have a passion for colour and sustainable fibre.

All of us live in Heidelburg, a small town situated not too far from Johannesburg in South Africa. The weather here is ideal for our sustainable artisan dye business. The sun shines most of the year and we have hot summers and not too cold winters. Although we do sometimes have days of rain, it’s more usual to have short highveld storms.

We work hard to keep our yarn, fabric and threads as earth friendly as possible. We source all our fibre locally in order to reduce our carbon footprint . To ensure that our products are hypoallergenic, we use only the best quality dyes that meet GOTS, Oeko-tex and Blue sign specifications. The dye process that we have developed requires the minimum amount of water and solar is the main heat source. The packaging we use is recyclable and we keep it to the minimum.

Our mission is to enhance your crafting experience with the finest quality, natural, earth friendly fabric, yarn and threads in every colour possible. Find them all in our online shop!

Here’s more about our products.